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Bulbs & Perennials
Bamboos & Grasses
Fruit & Nuts
Garden Decor
For Wildlife
Ferns & Shade
Trees add height and beauty to a garden, and make great living presents for both gardeners & non-gardeners.
Perfume your garden with our stunning range of scented plants - great for butterflies and bees too!
Evergreen plants add long-lasting colour and interest to your garden all year long, and with a huge range including flowering and scented plants there's something for everyone.
...and everything else!
These beautiful Japanese maples are grown worldwide for their large variety of attractive forms, leaf shapes, and spectacular colours.
Create a woodland area in your garden or refresh an existing woodland with canopy trees and shade-loving plants.
Calycanthus Florida Purpurea Upright Shrub
SARCOCOCCA Evergreen small shrub, Sweet box
Pride of India Tree, Koelreutaria Paniculata, Golden Rain
XL SORBARIA SEM small deciduous coloured shrub, 5litre pot
4-5ft Euonymus Europaeus, Upright Spindle Shrub or Tree
Prickly Hedging Plant or Shrub BERBERIS THUNBERGII
SALE 4 x Prickly Hedging Plant or Shrub BERBERIS THUNBERGII
Philadelphus Belle Etiole Mock Orange scented shrub
KOLKWITZIA AMABILIS or Beauty Bush, 2-3ft
Variegated Weigela NANA Pink Flowering Shrub
Weigela RED PRINCE Flowering Shrub
XL DIERVILLA "Honey Bee" Hardy Shrub 7.5litre
XL Hardy Upright Tall FUCHSIA Shrub or "Hedging Fuchsia" Unknown Name
XL 7.5litre potted Hydrangea CAMILLA Flowering Shrub
XL PHYSOCARPUS "Red Baron" Upright Tall Shrub, 7.5litre pot